Sunday, June 30, 2013

The song of the birds

This morning I decided to have my breakfast and tea on the deck.  It  was overcast and cool, so it seemed perfect.  I am blessed to have a canopy of trees in my backyard.  The perfect haven for my feathered friends. My friends were very active this morning and singing away.  They were chasing each other from tree to tree and then taking turns at the bird feeder.  I felt as though they were singing to me.  The chorus was made up of  the cardinal along with the titmouse, and the little wren's.  The mighty hawk flew over and they all got very quite.  He soared with his majestic wings, so quiet and stately. 
They seemed so happy and content just to be alive and have food and water this morning.  It was just what I needed.  
Next time, I will take my journal and my camera so that I can capture my emotions and the beauty as a reminder for days when I can't hear the singing.
All of a sudden, I got a bit startled.  I thought it was a wasp or bee but there was a beautiful hummingbird.  He was right in front of me, pausing to tell me good morning.  He then flew over to drink the nectar from the Zinnia's that have brought me so much joy this summer. He brought such a smile to my face.  It's as though they were all little messengers from God, singing His praises and reminding me to do the same.  The garden has brought me so many blessings this year.  Every day that I go out in it, there is something that brings a smile to my face and puts me in a place of peace.  God's creations are amazing.  He gives us such precious gifts everyday if we just Be Still and Know. 
Why isn't this enough for most of us?  We constantly seem to want more, search for more, or want exciting lives.  I hope this week you will take the time to pause in nature and feel the peace and joy it can bring. 

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