Monday, April 9, 2012

Art and Creating

Okay, so this post isn't about eating your veggies or drinking your juice or even about my favorite herbal remedy.  However,  it is just as important to your health as all of these things.  This is about finding the thing or things that bring joy and happiness to your soul.  So grab your cup of tea(see I just couldn't resist) and lets have a little heart to heart talk among friends.

Last year I discovered Pinterest as many of you did as well. Pinterest lead me to so many blogs that I fell in love with and opened up a whole new world of art for me. I started taking some online art workshops and have been inspired by so many talented women. I have always loved crafts and creating things. I got away from this love for so long and pushed it to the back of my soul. These classes have brought this back out and are helping me to restore my soul. What do you love that you have pushed back because life gets too busy to take time for you? It's usually the things that we loved as little children that bring us the most joy, even as adults.

I created a little "nook" in front of windows looking into our backyard. The feeling of sitting at this little table and stopping to watch the birds or the squirrel empty the bird feeder again is amazing. All the worries and stresses of life stop for just a moment. Usually the piece or painting is a reflection of the worry and in the piece it resembles hope not strife. What starts out as a blank page or canvas begins to transform into something that brings peace or joy. Usually a message always comes out!

Are you stuck right now or entering a different stage of your life where you begin to wonder who you really are? Please do not waste another day. Life is a precious gift. Take a few moments to just sit and reflect on what would make you happy. Maybe it's not art or creating. Maybe it’s gardening or curling up with a really good book or reading a literary classic. Maybe it’s playing with your children or your pets. Maybe it’s just taking a nice long walk or soaking in a bubble bath. Maybe it's baking or sewing. Or maybe it’s something you've never tried. I can tell you I never tried painting or anything on a canvas. This is new for me.

Did you see a project on Pinterest that you love? Give it a try. What are you waiting for? Let me know what you discover. Some of my favorites are on the left.  Check them out too.  You might just be inspired as well.

Creative Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. I love everyone of your Creations of Art I have seen. You really have good talent.Love You Sis
