Monday, January 31, 2011

Nourishing your soul!

What do you do to nourish your soul?  We get so busy with life and taking care of everyone else that we take little time to nourish our own souls.  We get frazzled and frustrated and wonder why we feel like this?  Why can't we handle things?   How can we possibly take care of others if we don't take time to care for ourselves? 
I'd love to hear what you do.  Maybe we can inspire each other.


  1. Do the simple things that you would do for someone else for yourself. For instance I bought myself some flowers. I came home put them in water set them on my coffee table and sat down and ate my dinner. It is a small thing but it brightens your mood. Who says you can't buy yourself a bouquet of flowers.

  2. You deserve those Flowers.Ilove you Sister!!!
