Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let's be creative!

 Today's post isn't about food, herbs, or nutrition.  It is about wellness.  Wellness of the mind and spirit.  Recently I have felt so inspired to do crafts and just be creative. Yes, Pinterest is part to blame, but it's also been an inspiration.  As I have linked to others blogs, I have been inspired even more.    I want to draw,  paint, write and make things.  I want to be inspired and be an inspiration.  I want to teach the skills that I have and learn new ones. I want to support others that are creating by purchasing their creations.  The creations that have their energy and love.  Something that will make me smile when I look at it. 
 I read a book by Thomas Kinkade where he talked about being creative everyday.  I truly believe there is something to this.  I find that when I am doing something creative, I have a sense of peace, calmness and happiness that I do not feel at any other time.  Do you feel this way?   I encourage you all to find something creative to do everyday.  Actually I challenge you.  Give it a try and let me know how it goes.  Doodle, draw, write in a journal, create a scrub, make cards, take photographs, whatever,  just create.  I believe if you do, your spirit will feel nourished and you'll have a new spark in your step.  Keep me posted.

1 comment:

  1. it does make a person happy. go for it girlie. use those untapped gifts;)
